Privacy Policy

1. Our approach to Privacy

1.1. Tease ("Tease", "we", "our", or "us") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy sets out how we collect, store, process, transfer, share and use data that identifies or is associated with you ("personal information") and information regarding our use of cookies and similar technologies.

1.2 Tease brings together a vibrant community of surfers from around the world ("Tease Service").

1.3 This privacy policy applies to the Tease Service. Before accessing or using the Tease Service, please ensure that you have read and understood how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information as described in this privacy policy. If you are a minor, and are not sure to understand everything in this Policy, please make sure to speak with a trusted adult before using the Tease Service. If you need clarification on a point, do not hesitate to contact us at

1.4 We are the data controller of the personal information we hold about you. This means we determine and are responsible for how your personal information is used.

2. Personal information we collect about you and how we use it

When you use the Tease Service, We will receive information about you. Such information, also known as "personal data" (for instance your name, a picture of you, information about your phone, etc.) can be automatically collected by Tease when necessary, or voluntary submitted by you. We use this data to provide you with the Tease Service, to ensure safety, and for other purposes described below.

2.1 Voluntarily Submitted Information

We collect personal information that you voluntarily submit directly to us when you use the Tease Service. This can include information you provide to us when you register for an account, fill in a form on the Tease Service, create or edit your user profile on the Tease Service, correspond with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise, interact with Tease Service's users, subscribe to our mailing lists, newsletters or other forms of marketing communications, respond to a survey, post comments in discussion groups, enter a promotion, or use some other feature of the Tease Service.

2.2 Safety Information

In order to ensure safety on the application, Tease necessarily collects information to provide access to the service. Therefore certain information must be shared, such as age or messages sent to ensure that no harmful content is broadcast on the app. We will indicate to you where the provision of certain personal information is required in order for us to provide you certain features of the Tease Service. If you choose not to provide such personal information, we may not be able to provide those parts of the Tease Service to you or respond to your other requests.

2.3 Automatically Collected Information

We also automatically collect personal information indirectly about how you access and use the Tease Service and information about the device you use to access the Tease Service.

2.4 Personal Information and Usage

The personal information we collect about you, the in-app use of that information only, and the legal basis on which we process the personal information. not shared with third parties.

3. Recipients of personal information

We do not sell your personal information, but we need to collect it to provide the best service possible.

4. Storing and transferring your personal information

Your privacy and the protection of your personal information is very important to Us. We use adequate security measures to protect them, and in case we need to transfer your data to other countries, we will put in place adequate measures with the same level of security.

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, change or damage. All personal information we collect will be stored on secure servers. We will never send you unsolicited emails or contact you by phone requesting your account ID, password, credit or debit card information or national identification numbers.

5. Your rights in respect of your personal information

Your personal information belongs to you, and we will make sure your rights are respected. You can contact Us at at any time to ask for a copy of your data, to withdraw your consent, or to obtain the deletion of the information we keep for you.

5.1 Rights in Respect of Personal Information

5.2 Guidelines for Retention and Communication (France)

If you are resident in France, you also have the right to set guidelines for the retention and communication of your personal information after your death.

5.3 Exercising Your Rights

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us at

5.4 Review and Edit Personal Information

You may also review and edit some of the personal information you have submitted to us by logging into your account on the Tease Service.

5.5 Connection Information

Due to the confidential nature of data processing, we will ask you for all the connection information for your Tease account as well as your username given by Tease (you'll find it in your settings on your account).

5.6 Response Time

We will seek to respond to any request relating to your rights within one month of receipt of such request.

5.7 Extended Deadline

Where, given the complexity of the claim or the number of requests received, the above deadline cannot be met, we will inform you of the extended deadline in which we will respond to your request. Such extension may not be more than two months from the date on which we notify you that an extension is required.

5.8 Objection to Abusive Requests

We are entitled to object to requests which are clearly abusive in their number or in their reTeaseition.

5.9 Non-Follow Up on Request

Where we do not follow up on your request, we will inform you within the one month deadline of the grounds on which we have based our decision and of your right to refer a complaint to your national data protection authority.

6. Our policy towards children

Depending on your country, you must be at least 17 or older to access the Tease Service. If you are under 17, please do not use the Tease Service. We make our Service as safe as possible, but it is just not designed for a younger audience, and you need to be old enough to consent yourself to the processing of your personal information.

6.1 Collection of Personal Information from Children

Our Tease Service is not directed at persons under 17 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 17. If you become aware that your child or another user has provided us with personal information, without your consent, then please contact us using the details below so that we can take steps to remove such information and terminate any account your child has created with us.

6.2 Content Moderation and Service Providers

Tease moderates all written content that is sent to the app, even before it is received by your contact. To do this, Tease uses Keywords Studios. This service provider is responsible for controlling the quality of the content on the Tease application, through a platform made available by Tease. 12 people are employed to monitor reported conversations or profiles. They only use the data for the purpose requested by Tease, following a written instruction from Tease, and Tease retains all responsibility. In addition, Keywords Studios encrypts the data, makes it anonymous so it can’t be linked back to our users, and destroys the data once the action has been taken, while keeping a file of its actions on the data for commercial purposes.

6.3 Reporting and Trust Index

Tease also ensures that users can themselves report any content or behavior that is inappropriate or does not comply with our Terms. Users can report harmful users or advertisements. Tease analyzes each report and, thanks to a trust index, bans users or not.

7. Changes to this Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. When we change this privacy policy in a material way, we will update the "last modified" date at the beginning of this privacy policy. Changes to this privacy policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

8. Notice to you

If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing, or other business-related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email or by placing a notice on the Tease Service. The fact that we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of contact as described in this privacy policy.

9. Contacting us

Please contact if you have any questions, comments, and requests regarding this Privacy Policy. If we are unable to deal with any issues you raise with us, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with your national data protection authority. Further information about how to contact your local data protection authority is available at

10 Last Modified Date

This privacy policy was last modified in March 20, 2024.

@2024 by Zenithpulse LLC